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Sarina Bowen

I write steamy, angsty contemporary romance and NA from Vermont. Where it is cold. Very very cold.

Currently reading

Coming In From the Cold
Sarina Bowen
Harlequin E Contemporary Romance Box Set Volume 1: Coming in from the ColdMaid to FitCalling His BluffBaker's Law
Amy Jo Cousins, Sarina Bowen, Rebecca Avery
Girl on Tour: 2 (Kylie Ryans)
Caisey Quinn
Harlequin E Contemporary Romance Box Set Volume 1: Coming in from the Cold / Maid to Fit / Calling His Bluff / Baker's Law
Sarina Bowen, Rebecca M. Avery, Amy Jo Cousins, Denise B McDonald

A Little Too Far

A Little Too Far - Lisa Desrochers Wow. I am so often let down by NA books, because they often feel as if they were written in 1/2 an hour. Not this one!
I must say that I fell for the titillating idea that Lexi was going to break two taboos in one book. And as a reader I was a little worried about how she would pull that off in a way that didn't come off as completely trashy. To my enduring surprise, she nailed it. (So to speak...)