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Sarina Bowen

I write steamy, angsty contemporary romance and NA from Vermont. Where it is cold. Very very cold.

Currently reading

Coming In From the Cold
Sarina Bowen
Harlequin E Contemporary Romance Box Set Volume 1: Coming in from the ColdMaid to FitCalling His BluffBaker's Law
Amy Jo Cousins, Sarina Bowen, Rebecca Avery
Girl on Tour: 2 (Kylie Ryans)
Caisey Quinn
Harlequin E Contemporary Romance Box Set Volume 1: Coming in from the Cold / Maid to Fit / Calling His Bluff / Baker's Law
Sarina Bowen, Rebecca M. Avery, Amy Jo Cousins, Denise B McDonald

Taking Chances (Taking Chances, #1)

Taking Chances - Molly McAdams The writing was just not up to snuff. It feels like the author was in a terrible hurry to rush the book to market. The only character who felt fresh and original to me was Carter, the marine. That premise could have been an excellent book in its own right. But instead, this is just another virgin-meets-bad-boy tale. And in a crowded field, it does not stand out.